Friday, June 19, 2020
Instructions for installing the latest R version in Debian 10 and add packages from the offical Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN).
Because R is a fast-moving project, the latest stable version isn't always available from Debian's repositories, so we'll need to add the external repository maintained by CRAN. In order to do this, we'll need to install some dependencies for the Debian 10.
To perform network operations that manage and download certificates, we
need to install dirmngr
so that we can add the external
$ sudo apt-get install dirmngr --install-recommends
To add a PPA reference to Debian, we'll need to use the add-apt-
command. For installations where this command may not
available, you can add this utility to your system by installing
$ sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
Finally, to ensure that we have HTTPS support for secure protocols, we'll install the following tool:
$ sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https
For the most recent version of R, we'll be installing from the CRAN repositories.
Let's first add the relevant GPG key.
$ sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-key 'E19F5F87128899B192B1A2C@AD5F960A256A04AF'
Once we have the trusted key, we can add the repository. Note that if you're not using Debian 10 (Buster), you can look at the supported R Project Debian branches, named for each release.
$ sudo add-apt-repository 'deb buster-cran35/'
Now, we'll need to run update after this in order to include package manifests from the new repository.
$ sudo apt-get update
Once this completes running and you're returned to your prompt, we're ready to install R with the following command.
$ sudo apt-get install r-base
If prompted to confirm installation, press y to continue.
To install a package for every user on the system, start R as root so
that the libraries will be available to all users automatically. Similarly,
if you run the R command without sudo
, a personal library can
be set up for the user.
$ sudo -i R
Part of R's strength is it available abundance of add-on packages. For
demonstration purposes, we'll install txtplot
, a library that
outputs ASCII graphs that include scatterplot, line plot, density plot, acf
and bar charts:
> install.packages('txtplot')
When the installation is complete, we can load txtplot
> library('txtplot')
If you're interested to learn more about txtplot
, use
from within the R interpreter.
Any precompiled package can be installed from CRAN with install.
. Find a listing of official packages organized by name
via the CRAN packages by name list.
To quit R, you can type q()
. Unless you want to save the
workspace image, you can press n
The command update.packages()
is the simplest way to ensure
that all the packages on your system are up to date. It downloads the list
of available packages and their current versions, compares it with those
installed and offers to fetch and install any that have later versions on
the repositories.
An alternative interface to keeping packages up-to-date is provided by
the command packageStatus()
, which returns an object with
information on all installed packages and packages available at multiple
repositories. The print
and summary
methods give
an overview of installed and available packages, the upgrade
method offers to fetch and install the latest versions of outdated packages.
One sometimes-useful additional piece of information that
returns is the status of a package, as
, "upgrade"
or "unavailable"
(in the
currently selected repositories). For example
> inst <- packageStatus()$inst
inst[inst$Status != "ok", c("Package", "Version", "Status")]
From a running R process they can be removed by
> remove.packages(c("pkg1", "pkg2"), lib = file.path("path/to/library"))
Finally, one can just remove the package directory from the library.
The official intro, "An Introduction to R", available online in html version.