Dayalan Saravanan

Numerical Differentiation with Noise

Let f is the corresponding function value for independent data values in another vector x, which is gridded. Sometimes data can be contaminated with noise, meaning its value is off by a small amount from what it would be if it were computed from a pure mathematical function. This can often occur in engineering due to inaccuracies in measurement devices or the data itself can be slightly modified by perturbations outside the system of interest.

    #!/usr/bin/env python

    """ Numerical differentiation with noise """

    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt"classic")
    plt.rc("text", usetex="True")
    plt.rc("pgf", texsystem="pdflatex")
    plt.rc("font", family="serif", weight="normal", size=10)
    plt.rc("axes", labelsize=12, titlesize=12)
    plt.rc("figure", titlesize=12)

    OMEGA = 100
    EPSILON = 0.01

    x = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 1000)

    f1 = np.cos(x)
    f2 = np.cos(x) + EPSILON * np.sin(OMEGA * x)

    df1 = -np.sin(x)
    df2 = -np.sin(x) + EPSILON * OMEGA * np.cos(OMEGA * x)

    fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1)
    ax1.plot(x, f2, "r", label=r"$cos(x) + \epsilon * sin(\omega * x)$")
    ax1.plot(x, f1, "b", label=r"$cos(x)$")
    ax1.set(xlabel="$x$", ylabel="$f(x)$")
    ax1.set(xlim=(0, 2 * np.pi), ylim=(-2.0, 2.0))
    ax1.grid(True, which="both")
    ax1.set_title(r"cosine wave corrupted by a small sine wave")
    ax2.plot(x, df2, "r", label=r"$sin(x) + \epsilon * \omega * cos(\omega * x)$")
    ax2.plot(x, df1, "b", label=r"$sin(x)$")
    ax2.set(xlabel="$x$", ylabel="$df(x)$")
    ax2.set(xlim=(0, 2 * np.pi), ylim=(-2.0, 2.0))
    ax2.grid(True, which="both")
    ax2.set_title(r"Numerical differentiation with noise ($\omega = 100$, $\epsilon = 0.01$)")
    plt.savefig("diffnoise.svg", dpi=100, bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=0.1)
Numerical differentiation with noise

    #!/usr/bin/env julia

    """ Numerical differentiation with noise """

    import PyPlot as plt"classic")
    plt.rc("text", usetex="True")
    plt.rc("pgf", texsystem="pdflatex")
    plt.rc("font", family="serif", weight="normal", size=10)
    plt.rc("axes", labelsize=12, titlesize=12)
    plt.rc("figure", titlesize=12)

    OMEGA = 100
    EPSILON = 0.01

    x = LinRange(0, 2 * pi, 1000)

    f1 = cos.(x)
    f2 = cos.(x) + EPSILON * sin.(OMEGA .* x)

    df1 = -sin.(x)
    df2 = -sin.(x) + EPSILON * OMEGA * cos.(OMEGA .* x)

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1)
    ax[1].plot(x, f2, "r", label = raw"$cos(x) + \epsilon * sin(\omega * x)$")
    ax[1].plot(x, f1, "b", label = raw"$cos(x)$")
    ax[1].set(xlabel = raw"$x$", ylabel = raw"$f(x)$")
    ax[1].set(xlim = (0, 2 * pi), ylim = (-2.0, 2.0), yticks = -2.0:0.5:2.0)
    ax[1].tick_params(direction = "in")
    ax[1].grid(true, which = "both")
    ax[1].set_title(raw"cosine wave corrupted by a small sine wave")
    ax[2].plot(x, df2, "r", label = raw"$sin(x) + \epsilon * \omega * cos(\omega * x)$")
    ax[2].plot(x, df1, "b", label = raw"$sin(x)$")
    ax[2].set(xlabel = raw"$x$", ylabel = raw"$df(x)$")
    ax[2].set(xlim = (0, 2 * pi), ylim = (-2.0, 2.0), yticks = -2.0:0.5:2.0)
    ax[2].tick_params(direction = "in")
    ax[2].grid(true, which = "both")
    ax[2].set_title(raw"Numerical differentiation with noise ($\omega = 100$, $\epsilon = 0.01$)")
    plt.savefig("diffnoise.svg", dpi = 100, bbox_inches = "tight", pad_inches = 0.1)
Numerical differentiation with noise